In addition to the Zuojiao people nailing masks, on February 12th, the Legislative Council Development Bureau [1] Zhong Jingjing revealed more specific directions for "streamlining" the town planning process. Although more details will be released in March, one of them has already been seen. The researcher's eyes snapped. The new amendment to "straighten out the relevant arrangements, such as restricting those who have control over the land to apply for rezoning", brings up two problems: 1. Stifling civil rezoning? At present, the Town Planning Board allows anyone to apply for rezoning of the land, not limited to the title owner of the land (yes, even if you are not the land owner, you have the right to apply for a rezoning of the land). In addition to the well-known Dumbbell Project on Hetie Street, in the past,
non-governmental organizations have used the application for rezoning of non-governmental projects to compete with the development plan of "final decision". The public expresses that planning and development should start from the beginning, including but not limited to: "Returning the sea to the sea": The private sector applied to the Town Planning Board for rezoning (Y/I-NEL/1) last year, and rezoned the Kau Yi Chau area involving the reclamation area of "Tomorrow wedding photo retouching services Lantau" to "Marine Function Reservation" area, where reclamation or large-scale permanent sea-covering development is prohibited. Tai Hang West Rezoning: The rezoning plan submitted in 2016 was to build a combination of public rental housing and subsidized sale housing. At that time, the public rental housing of the redevelopment plan was not enough to resettle the residents and was opposed. In the plan, the residents'
ideas for reconstruction are put forward, and the "conservative" urban planning system is revealed. "Take back the street": In 2016, a number of environmental groups applied to rezone the area from Central Pedder Street to Morrison Street on Des Voeux Road to be rezoned as a pedestrian and tram zone on Sundays and public holidays. , the Government also "forced" to respond to the relevant proposals in the Legislative Council at that time. "Humanities of Kai Tak": The local research society, together with other private think tanks, submitted a rezoning application to the Town Planning Board on the Kai Tak rezoning plan, directly attacking the differences of opinion among the government departments at that time and acting in their own way, and brought out th