Try Adding Sound to It or Using a Mental Image to Illustrate a Point. All of This Reinforces Your Message. In One of My Talks, I Explain the Concept Jamaica Phone Number List of Cognitive Dissonance. I Use a Recording of a Mozart Piece Called a Musical Joke, Which Is Written to Be Jamaica Phone Number List Dissonant at the End. It's a Way of Emphasizing That Others Can Hear When Something Is Wrong, Even if They Can't Quite
Explain Why. And by the Way, There Is a Black Screen When I Do This. Why? Because I Want People to Presentations, Try to Create an Experience to Communicate a Particular Point. Sometimes It Will Be a Full Multimedia Extravaganza. Sometimes It Jamaica Phone Number List Will Be Lights and Sound. Sometimes It's Just the Human Voice Telling a Story. The Best Jamaica Phone Number List Speakers Understand That if You Do the Same Thing Throughout Your Presentation, You Weaken Your Point of View.if You Do the Same Throughout Your
Presentation, You Weaken Your Point of View, Says. Click to Tweet Great Presenters Find a Way to Mix and Match - Whether It's Through a Demonstration, Using a Whiteboard, Playing a Video Clip, Etc. If I'm Talking About Tedx Lessons or Demonstrating Jamaica Phone Number List What Works Well, I Use a Short Clip From an Excellent Ted Explain How to Use a Paper Jamaica Phone Number List Towel. I'm Going to Take Four and a Half Minutes From My Own Presentation and Dedicate It to This Video, Because There's No Better Way for Me to